Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ethical Controversy Essay Meet-up

Now there is a "forum" on the Eagle Cruiser. If it works right, you ought to be able to enter the topic you are interested in and advertise for a partner. This blog is insurance. Post a response to this blog, indicating your topic and need for a partner. Include your contact information. It should work.


Paul.Gorman said...

hey ya'll,

I am a very opinonated yet open minded person sooo, if anyone needs a partner and already have an idea, shoot and i'd probably gladly take you up on it, or if u have no clue what you want to do maybe we can figure something out together. write me back at

babudd said...

Paul, I know you have a partner now--

Everybody, check out the shared files - I added a "form" to help evaluate your issues.

re said...

I alreadt have a partner but my tropic is under education #2.